Now we understood the benefits of Pranayama and how to practice it, let’s me introduce you which pranayama you want to practice based on the situations/issues you have!
Nervous for a job interview or presentation? Midterm coming up?
- Try Ujjayi Breath – Helps calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and increase focus. It’s known for its soothing, steady rhythm.
Feeling the chill during a cold plunge?
- Try Kapalbhati (Skull Shining Breath) – Stimulates energy, warms the body, and clears the mind, making it great for cold situations.
Can't sleep?
- Try Bhramari (Bee Breath) – This calming breath helps reduce stress, ease the mind, and promote deep relaxation for better sleep.
Overheated or very upset with your partner or boss?
- Try Sitali Breath (Cooling Breath) – Known for cooling the body and calming the mind, it helps reduce frustration and emotional heat.
Need to focus and energize your body?
- Try Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) – A powerful, energizing breath that clears the mind and revs up your energy levels for better focus.
Had a busy day and want to reset your mindset for yoga class?
- Try Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) – Balances the body and mind, promoting clarity and relaxation, ideal for transitioning into a peaceful state before yoga.